Vote for the Best Forum Software of 2013
Best Free Forum
Best Commercial Forum
Best Hosted Service
Total votes: 4508
- See Also: Best Forum Software Results of 2011.
- 89045 reads
Comments (46)
w00t w00t, another chance for
Let the pointless squabbling commence... (I see this poll as being all in good fun. No need to be so serious about it, geez.)
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Yea yea, you just use a
Yea yea, you just use a commission link and say IPB is the best. Everyone knows XenForo is the best commercial software out there. IPB is just a clunk of extensive resource usage, Vbulletin is just shit, and the rest are nothing comparable to XenForo's speed, SEO and usability.
Seriously, using a commission links to gain $$$ by posting review, way to go scumbag.
IPB is a professional grade
IPB is a professional grade product, being very well designed and developed. It's not clunk of resource usage as you put it. I use IPS products, including IPB, so it's not like I'm trying to promote something I don't use. Quite the opposite, I appreciate the quality put into the product and consider it to be the best. That's not even touching on the great support IPS tries to provide to its clients. When it comes to a competitor product, if I had to recommend someone to use either vB or XF, I agree that vB is crap so I'd point them to XF.
So next time you decide to go calling someone a scumbag for posting an honest comment, check your facts and show yourself as well. Anyone can post anonymously throwing lies and insults around since they don't have to be held accountable for it.
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I hate people just trash
I hate people just trash talking software (except vb 5). Now I do use XenForo and prefer it over IPB and VB. But I do appreciate the IPB and think it is a very good quality product.
Now thats getting N*raged
Now thats getting N*raged
Thanks! LOL..
Thanks! LOL..
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phpFox *definitely* shouldve
phpFox *definitely* shouldve been added to commercial apps, their xenforo-ish v5 is a solid match for IPB.
Its not too late to fix this.
Xenforo. Innovative, Easy to
Innovative, Easy to use, lots of potential.
XenForo > Everything
XenForo > Everything Else.
Seriously when you have a choice of an old, aging codebase or a fresh one with a LOT more scalability, you go for option 2. XF is nice and fresh, none of the crap that should be made as an addon.
XenForo for the win.
I'm Chuck Norris, and I
I'm Chuck Norris, and I approve this message.
Hi Anonymous person who
Hi Anonymous person who signed into an account and approved his own message but wanted it to look like it was someone else.
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IPB3 doesn't have an old
IPB3 doesn't have an old aging codebase. As for what should be an addon or not, a lot of those boil down to an opinion. So based on your description, IPB3 would option 1 as well. Add in the fact that other applications are available to help further develop a community and the company has been around longer and IPB wins over XF.

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I've got nothing against IBP.
I've got nothing against IBP. I just feel XenForo is better. I own forums that run both, but prefer XF.
only mybb
only mybb
It's great to see such
It's great to see such fantastic support from our community. With MyBB 1.8 now available on Github it's going to be a good year for MyBB.
I tried mybb the other day.
I tried mybb the other day. The ACP is inferior, and disgusting. It's way of notifying members of new posts in topics they follow is garbage.
I think if the developers could tidy up the ACP, make it more user friendly, and prettier, plus add better notifications (push notifications) it would be alright.
Hi, Why not join the
Why not join the community forums and post your suggestions there? MyBB 1.8 is the next minor release for MyBB, and the last before we rewrite it from scratch for 2.0, so there's a good chance if you have some suggestions to improve it then we'll happily review and perhaps implement them soon.
Nathan Malcolm
MyBB Group
or maybe you should use other
or maybe you should use other software and find out where it is your software is lacking. until then I will continue to use a superior product. You get what you pay for in life (IPB FTW)
Hi, Although it's well and
Although it's well and good to suggest we look at other forum software to help improve ours, and if you take a look at 1.8 you'll see we've made some vast improvements from the 1.6 series, we do need feedback and suggestions from the community to give a clearer idea of what they want as part of the software. We donate thousands of hours per year working on MyBB and supporting members on our community forums, and as a small team we can only do so much in our spare time. MyBB is growing more and more every day because of our community support. It's that what makes MyBB such a fantastic project to work on.
Nathan Malcolm
MyBB Group
Mybb is best software >)
Mybb is best software >)
mybb is very clean forum
mybb is very clean forum software that is why people compare mybb with commercial forum softwares like vbulletin, IPB and Xenforo.
mybb 2.0 will be even better.
just mybb!
just mybb!
I looked at this poll and saw
I looked at this poll and saw so many votes for mybb that I decided to try it. Install easy, the software looks decent, let's go for the customization and ... oh my .. how the hell this forum can be the most popular ? The template system is horrible with hard coded styles in the layout. It's just a pain in the ** to build your own layout with current standards. So please, tell me what I'm missing before I throw the damn thing away for another board ? Cause at the moment I don't understand the poll results.
Hi, The template system is
The template system is very basic and has been rethought for 2.0. Currently it's simply PHP variables, HTML, CSS, and JS. A combination which has worked nicely for a good number of years now. What hard coded styles are you referring to? In 1.8 we're trying to reduce the amount of hardcoded HTML, but the majority is available via templates.
Nathan Malcolm
MyBB Group
I have used MYBB for creating
I have used MYBB for creating a forum and it is just awesome. Though I found little bit of problems in it's editor but overall I would say it is a very good open source free forum software.
the best forum sofware is
the best forum sofware is MyBB
and the best support is My-BB.Ir
ASP Playground vNext isn't
ASP Playground vNext isn't even on the list to choose from. Shame on you all.
It is now the best software, and it's .NET!
Vouch for MyBB Fuck you
Vouch for MyBB
Fuck you haters.
MyBB all the way. Nobody
MyBB all the way. Nobody dares to challenge it's superior way with users.
IP.Board is the best.
IP.Board is the best.
LIKE LIKE LIKE!!! Need a like button for the posts with correct answers such as yours.
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Wolfie, You are NOT making
Wolfie, You are NOT making IPB look any better by commenting the way you do.
I'm inclined to agree..
I'm inclined to agree.. After all, with as good as IPS looks, it's hard to make it much better. So thank you for pointing that out.
Oh and yes, I know what you were trying to imply, but the fact of the matter is, you trolled anonymously and as I recently pointed out to someone else, trolls are my play toys. So please do continue, I enjoy the amusement.
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Wolfie, you are incorrect in
Wolfie, you are incorrect in assuming I meant this in a good way. Sorry I misled you.
You are incorrect in assuming
You are incorrect in assuming that I was incorrect. Reading and comprehension are important elements in life, you should try them.
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You are not helping yourself
You are not helping yourself with that attitude.
Silly troll, thinking that
Silly troll, thinking that you matter. This is why I play with trolls, they amuse me so.
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Nope. You are pushing IPB so
Nope. You are pushing IPB so aggressively and making you and IPB look bad. I guess I won't offer you further assistance. Please seek professional help.
This coming from someone who
This coming from someone who won't put a name to their words. I speak the truth and I'm confident about what I say. Your negativity towards that leads me to believe you disagree with the truth and are under the mistaken belief that trying to put me down will change reality in your favor. Talk about needing professional help. Wow.
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Wolfie, it doesn't matter
Wolfie, it doesn't matter what my name is. That is not the point of this discussion. It's about you and your unhealthy obsession with IPS.
Anyone that goes on various forum related sites and bashes any other commercial software and froths at the mouth like you do would need serious help. I've noticed it on quite a few sites (In my search for some new software for a project) Wolfie. Please get a hold of yourself. That is not normal for a regular client of theirs. Something tells me you have a deeper relationship with IPS. Please elborate on that in truth and in full.
I call bullshit when I see
I call bullshit when I see it, and I see the huge amount you are dishing out. I don't have an unhealthy obsession with IPS nor do I froth at the mouth as you claim. I have made posts giving credit to XF and my hope for it to continue to progress as I see it as being a good product. Someone with an unhealthy obsession wouldn't do that. The fact that you are quick to make such a claim without having accurate facts and more to the point, making those claims anonymously, is the one who has something unhealthy going on.
I have been a client for nearing a decade and it's due to the quality of the product. As I describe it, it is professional grade quality without a matching price tag, where as most other products of similar nature are more toy like in comparison. I don't go hopping from site to site to site, putting down every similar product there is. So keep hiding as an anonymous poster, your posting spill of incorrect assumptions and they are quite obvious.
Oh and please do continue to post, I love having trolls as toys.
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the my bb hs best Best Forum
the my bb hs best Best Forum Software.
i love my bb.
im persian!
hahhaaaaa stop judging about
this link says that's the best:
everyone know IP.Board is the best, even GOOGLE!
YeSsS IPB is the BESsST! Kadkhodaa Web Development Team
watch these too: You will
watch these too:
You will find more information about those trends, sorted by regions, on the Google Trends Website :
Google Trends - All years
Google Trends - Last 12 Months (actual statistics)
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YeSsS IPB is the BESsST! Kadkhodaa Web Development Team