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Vote for the Best Forum Software of 2012

Best Free Forum

Best Commercial Forum

Best Hosted Service

Total votes: 22447
Comments are closed.

Comments (184)

First comment, yay! How the

First comment, yay!

How the hell is Burning Board getting so many votes when it's not the best? o_O

lastnico's picture

Second! Well, if the won last

Second! Well, if the won last year, I have no doubts the Burning Board community is already ready for competing this year too. Smile

FSR Admin - Vote for 2012.


They must have a large

They must have a large community!


More like, a lot of admins

More like, a lot of admins (board owners) with dead communities and with nothing better to do, they all scout out for polls to do fan-boy votes for it.


Only reason that they're

Only reason that they're getting more votes is because the admins have nothing better to do. IPB admins are handling their busy communities with their superior software.

lastnico's picture

(No subject)


FSR Admin - Vote for 2012.


Agree, the worse software

Agree, the worse software vote here to look better! And the more serious don't!


Hey lastnico, you need to

Hey lastnico, you need to change your signature. Wink

MyBB is the best software, because it is easy to use, plugins installation takes less time than other softwares and fast and good support.

Sorry for my english and greetings from Turkey.

lastnico's picture

Done! Thanks for noticing it

Done! Thanks for noticing it Wink

FSR Admin - Vote for 2012.


Don't care what you say about

Don't care what you say about free software. For commercial though, IPB is the best. Big smile


Twelvestone forum software is

Twelvestone forum software is great. Its easy and robust and the creator of the software is the only person you have to deal with so its a lot better customer experience on that end.


MyBB is best for almost

MyBB is best for almost anything, any type of forum you want can be done with MyBB, and it's free! AEF is good for smaller sized forums too.

For commercial, I liked vB until the version 4 update, but IPB is pretty good.

I liked ProBoards for a hosted forum service, except for the annoying ads as a free user. Don't know if it changed now since then though.


Heaps of free forum hosts

Heaps of free forum hosts have free ads? It's how they make money, without them, no free forum host.


Yes I know, Proboards is

Yes I know, Proboards is still very nice and user friendly last time I used it.


Proboards is fab - yes the

Proboards is fab - yes the ads are still there, but they're easy to ignore. The support is great, and they have TONS of bandwith so you don't have to delete or lose older posts. They put the replies in their own little box, in chronological order so you don't have to shuffle through weird "stacks" of quotes and replies. The smilies are still a bit limited, that's my only complaint.

I dunno why Proboards isn't showing up on the front page, I know people have voted for it...


Here in the UK proboards are

Here in the UK proboards are BIG!


Have been using Proboards for

Have been using Proboards for years and they have been fabulous. Free and except for the adverts (which do not seem to worry anyone using the forums) it is a great service.


I like the simplicity and

I like the simplicity and elegance of twelvestone.

Clean and easy to use and concentrates on the content and community.


Go ProBoards, let's win

Go ProBoards, let's win again! WOOT!


Glad to see ProBoards win

Glad to see ProBoards win last year, despite all the crap those spammers were making. I mean, if you break the TOS then it's your own fault your forum is deleted. And I am amused by all the reviews of outdated look and hard to use with ProBoards. Looks like most people don't notice something called version 5 beta. If they did, I'm sure they'd change their mind. Smile

Anyway, I of course voted for ProBoards again. I've been on their support forum for years (oh and by the way trolls and people-who-go-around-bashing-stuff-on-the-Internet, it's the service and software you should be voting for, don't base it on their community in the support forum. That's just stupid) and have loved what they offer.

I hope ProBoards wins because I know that with v5 coming soon, they will be up at the top again (they do have a bit of outdated feeling in them at the moment, but that's soon to change!).


*clicks invisible like

*clicks invisible like button*



Thanks Smile



Ditto Smile


It's funny too see how WBB is

It's funny too see how WBB is flamed, just because it's new to the competition and won instantly. But consider these two things: Burnign Board IS great, and is has a very dedcated community. And i'm pretty sure, once Burning Board Dragon is released, the others will have to fear it even more Tongue


MyBB fOr EvEr :

MyBB fOr EvEr :Cool


Just mybb FARSI for ever!

Just mybb FARSI for ever!


Just Mybb Persian

Just Mybb Persian


MyBB is number 1!

MyBB is number 1!


mybb ftw. i tried phpbb

mybb ftw.

i tried phpbb first, but the installation of mods/plugin is pain, also you don't know whether the plugin is working or not, even after clearing cookies, caches and all, then you know that you need to add 5 lines in 10 files. if it is done automatically means, you will end with error

there is nothing complex in mybb, i love it

Simple one click installation of mods.
also mods are amazing with good support forum.

Still using other forum software....?? Install mybb in localhost and try, you will feel the truth

Last point is, server load, yeah mybb uses less resource than phpbb and any other sofware.

Paid means:
vBulletion and iPB.

vbulletin for performance/administration
iPB for nice looking


I think Burning Board is the

I think Burning Board is the best because i like programming method that they use and also it has very good framework.


how is burning board winning?

how is burning board winning? its layout is not very good and not very user-friendly.

IPB is much easier to use and more polished.

VB has more mods

xF is growing to be very good.


WBB use new programming

WBB use new programming method which I like and I think this help WBB to become popular.


Doesn't matter how new or old

Doesn't matter how new or old the programming is, it's the quality that makes a difference.


precisely... and WBB was

precisely... and WBB was really bad. even the demos on 3 sites crashed a lot. that's supposed to convince you to buy it, if it crashes you say "oh wow must not be very stable" and move on to the next.....


Using new technology =

Using new technology = quality!
By the way, WoltLab got a very small team, and its much cheaper:
WBB - Board + Gallery + Blog: 134,97 USD
IPB - Board + Gallery + Blog: 261 USD
WBB - Renewal: 49,99 USD for 1 Year
IPB - Renewal: 90 USD for 1 Year


Optional 6-month renewal:

Optional 6-month renewal: $25.00 for IPB.... so that's around 50USD per year to renew IPB.

also about WBB:
just becuase it's new doesn't mean it's better.

I have also noticed a lot of spammers from WBB begging people to vote for them for best forum software. I've even seen this on other forum software developer's forums. This is pathetic and will only hurt WBB in the end.


If you honestly think "using

If you honestly think "using new technology = quality" then you have NO idea what the word "quality" really means.

I could write a crappy script using new technology, it would still be crappy. Could also write an awesome script using old technology. That would be good quality.

So don't confuse newness or 'technology' as being quality.

WolfLab = bad quality (even though it does have a cool name)
IPB = great quality


The Userfriendlyness heavily

The Userfriendlyness heavily depends on your personal opinion. In my opinion IPB and vB are both unusable as a user and vB as well as an administrator. vB simply has to many functions that “no one” uses and that are still available in the Administration and clutters it with unneeded stuff.


how are those forum systems

how are those forum systems hard to use? I find both equally easy.


IMO IPB and especially vB are

IMO IPB and especially vB are overloaded with too many features. In frontend many settings or pages are hidden to deep what makes them hard to find.


The same could be said about

The same could be said about Windows, Linux, Mac OS's, FaceBook, MySpace, etc. The difference though is that IPB is progressing while vB (veryBad) isn't.


I find that IPB and xF to be

I find that IPB and xF to be the most intuitive.


MyBB is awesome for free.

MyBB is awesome for free. Converted from phpBB after its manual mod installation.
Paid - I kind of liked Burning Board's UI. Fits *my* tastes.





Burning Board is simply the

Burning Board is simply the best! That is it! Cool


After IPB, it might very well

After IPB, it might very well be.


A lot of burning board

A lot of burning board supports here this year!


Some people just don't know

Some people just don't know better, so let's just pat them on the head while knowing that IPB is the best.





Actually, in free forums,

Actually, in free forums, MyBB is simply the best . Even better than many paid forums.
All kind of plugins and themes are available, and best for small/medium forums with under 10000 uv/day.
In paid forums, i'll vote for IPB, secondly vb.


phpBB for the win MyBB just

phpBB for the win

MyBB just sucks. yeah, you can install plug ins really easily but there aren't many good ones. not to mention the styles are all UGLY. even SMF is better

and if you guys don't know already...people have been cheating...clear your cookies.


I thought that it was based

I thought that it was based on IP addressed. Unregistered IP can only vote once, so clearing cookies wouldn't do any good at all.

lastnico's picture

You are right Wolfie, it's

You are right Wolfie, it's based on the IP address, so anonymous users cannot revote constantly except if they like plug the Internet connection off and on Wink

FSR Admin - Vote for 2012.


Lol,have you seen mybb themes

Lol,have you seen mybb themes anytime.
Just visit our mods database as well these theme studios.

They are all powered by myBB
First see and then comment.

Phpbb is the worst I have seen and smf is a lazy bug.


that's immature are you

that's immature are you really from mybbsupport?


Well what's so immature. In

Well what's so immature.
In myBB every one is a support for every one so you can think now why myBB is on a success row for 2 years.
Wait for few more months we will have our 1.8 release and then we can find every other forum software mouth shut Smile:)Smile


If you both want to slug it

If you both want to slug it out for the free version, go for it. So long as you acknowledge that IPB is the best when it comes to paid, it's all good. Heck, IPB would have more votes here except that the admins of IPB sites are busy with their sites (activity you know), while the other admins have so little time that they all gather here to vote for things like vB or charcoal board (or 'Burning Board' as it likes to be called), in hopes of validating their poor purchase choice.

I make time for things, which is why I'm here on this one topic. Smile


I love you complain about

I love you complain about everyone else flamming or having no life yet you have commented the most and follow IPB blindly. Honestly Burning Board is the best IMO. The only thing it lacks is a strong English community right now. So until their new version comes out I'll stick with MyBB because it doesn't a bunch of bloat. If it makes you feel better I do think IPB is better than vB and Xenforo.

And IMO there shouldn't be a separation between free and paid for debate. It's becoming more and more obvious in recent years that paid options just aren't always the best.

And, yes I know I'm commenting on an old comment.


I love how you follow other

I love how you follow other products blindly but then say that someone else is right after you act rude by trying to insult someone else when you can't even form sentences correctly. If BB is 'only lacking' a strong English community, then perhaps it's because the English speaking community prefers better quality. Ever think of that or were you too busy being a fanboy to realize it?

Yeah, seriously, think next time before you go making a fool of yourself.


Not good to see cheaters. I'm

Not good to see cheaters.

I'm not a fan of myBB I just find it so outdated, my opinion though.


I voted for Forumotion !

I voted for Forumotion !


Hi! I like the simplicity and


I like the simplicity and elegance of FluxBB, but,I voted only for Forumotion! Laughing out loud


I've been using forumotion

I've been using forumotion just over 3 yrs, and its suited my needs just fine.Their Support staff is always available to assist and that has been a huge help in my sites development.


When ends the choice?

When ends the choice?


There is much i like FluxBB

There is much i like FluxBB for, including it is fast, light, user-friendly and free. Thus, i'm completely in favor of it!


FluxBB is pretty sweet for

FluxBB is pretty sweet for something which may lack some features but is so easy to build off!


Rooting for Xenforo this year

Rooting for Xenforo this year as I bought my first license!


Just voted for Xenforo. Such

Just voted for Xenforo. Such a great, slick software.


MyBB rules the universe, no

MyBB rules the universe, no doubt. Nice to see its #1, still.


I Voted, Pro Boards are the

I Voted, Pro Boards are the Best!!!!!!! Smile


I've tried most all of them.

I've tried most all of them. I still check out the different providers regularly. Ultimately, I ALWAYS end up back with Proboards. It does what is says, does what I need and ZERO DOWNTIME!


I voted ProBoards. Love it.

I voted ProBoards. Love it. Tons of features and easy to navigate. Smile


Great way to connect to

Great way to connect to people who are interested in stuff !


Great way to connect with

Great way to connect with people


yaay I Vote ProBoards Forum

yaay I Vote ProBoards Forum Wink as woman simple Reply Runway Text no Re-captcha and No Lags,bugscript,many editing tools Laughing out loud so anythng easy and free Laughing out loud anyway.,.,. I can learn to manage proboard script uses only the header and footer ...

"another one!

I really like the look of a classic, though old-fashioned but very memorable for me and my members

I as an admin on my forum and it is very easy to manage features that are inside


I've been a Proboards

I've been a Proboards administrator for many years with a couple different forums and I've had no problems with the program. Simple interface and fully customizable.


You guys have no idea. I have

You guys have no idea. I have checked out WBB, IPB, XenForo, vB, MyBB and others and WBB (Burning Board) is BY FAR the superior forum software of all of these for multiple reasons. It is very modern and does things so much better than its competition. If Woltlab were a UK or US based company it would dominate the forum software market world wide, just like it dominates the forum software market in Germany for years.

WBB 4, aka Burning Board Dragon will be released this year and I can tell you already that once you tried it, you will never ever move to vB, IPB, XenForo or other forum software again. You can already check out the new Community Framework 2.0 in Woltlab's Github.


That must be some good stuff

That must be some good stuff you're smoking/inhaling/injecting/snorting/etc to give you the illusion that it's better than IPB. Just make sure you don't go driving while under the influence of that crap.


IP.Board is good, without a

IP.Board is good, without a doubt. But it has a lot of issues like its slowness, massive SEO issues, unreadable code, ugly looking default skin and so much more things that Burning Board simply does a lot better. You probably down own a WBB3 license. If you do, you won't post such stupid fanboy shit Wink


Slowness, massive SEO issues,

Slowness, massive SEO issues, unreadable code, ugly default skin.. You must be talking about WBB3 because that doesn't describe IPB at all. If you think it does, then there is indeed someone posting stupid fanboy crap, but it's not me.


626 votes vs. 149 votes. The

626 votes vs. 149 votes.
The masses obviously agree with me Wink


The masses have been known to

The masses have been known to make huge mistakes before. As evidence, I submit George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Point made, case closed.


children children clam down

children children clam down and look at these cats:


lastnico's picture

(No subject)


FSR Admin - Vote for 2012.


I'm surprised IP.Board isn't

I'm surprised IP.Board isn't the only forum system up here, because imho it's the only forum system that's actually worth being called a full featured forum system product.


Finally, someone with some

Finally, someone with some sense!


Obviously none of you have

Obviously none of you have ever tried WBB Wink


Obviously you voted for

Obviously you voted for Obama. Just goes to prove, winning vote doesn't mean the best won.


Obviously you like to draw

Obviously you like to draw baseless conclusions as I'm not even a citizen america, so I couldn't care less about your Obama Wink


My conclusion was based on

My conclusion was based on the obvious lack of intelligence you have. That lead me to believe that you were here in the United States as, I'll admit, many of the citizens here are none too bright. Your not being a citizen here is actually an insult to your country, as you are still none too bright as you still fail to acknowledge IPB as being the best forum software there is. No matter what you say or how you twist it, WBB isn't better than IPB, period.


what forum software would

what forum software would Jesus use?


He would have used IPB if it

He would have used IPB if it had been available back then. If other software had been available, he still wouldn't have used it.


*sigh*, such pitiful human

*sigh*, such pitiful human being.


Say the person who made the

Say the person who made the anonymous post while trying to insult the person that is obviously right.


Well if nobody has tried it,

Well if nobody has tried it, how the hell did it gets voted first place again?


SMF is great, been using it

SMF is great, been using it for years and the newest version is fantastic, it can handle lots of traffic and the source is all open and easy to work on


BurningBoard is such a

BurningBoard is such a riddle. Shockingly, it does seem to actually be popular, yet so little visible somehow.


+1 to phpBB

+1 to phpBB Smile


Why yuku is not listed here ?

Why yuku is not listed here ?


only MY BB for any

only MY BB for any webmasters.

thank MY BB.


I'm glad you like the

I'm glad you like the software. Smile


I think MY BB is the best

I think MY BB is the best free forum software. I decided to go with it.


English: Hello

Hello all,
Forumotion voted on because it is an optimal platform for creating forums, because it guarantees four versions of forums, phpBB3, phpBB2, punBB and Invision, and can edit your template.
In short, is a great platform to create a forum, why not also create your forum in Forumotion.com

Olá a todos,
Votei na Forumotion(mas meu fórum é da Forumeiros) , pois é uma uma ótima plataforma de criação de fóruns, pois ela garante quatro versões de fóruns, a PHPBB3, PHPBB2, PunBB e Invision, podendo editar seu template.
Emfim, é uma ótima plataforma para se criar um fórum, aproveite e crie também seu fórum na Forumotion.com


Hi I found that a member


I found that a member asked same question in this forum some months ago.

Pls use search box to find this questions with comments


Quote:thu062012 (?), Sun

thu062012 (?), Sun August 19, 2012 07:43
I found that a member asked same question in this forum some months ago.

Pls use search box to find this questions with comments

What are you babbling about? o_O


Why so rude. come to the

Why so rude. come to the forum for all people to learn more knowledge learn from each other, not for the benefit


Quote:thu062012 (?), Fri

thu062012 (?), Fri August 31, 2012 02:27

Why so rude. come to the forum for all people to learn more knowledge learn from each other, not for the benefit

What you're said before made no sense. What you just now said isn't much better.


Hey pro boards your the best

Hey pro boards your the best


proboards will always get my

proboards will always get my vote, because
where all like a family Big smile


Hey pro boards your the best

Hey pro boards your the best Davie QC


Gotta go with proboards! I've

Gotta go with proboards! I've been using proboards for years, and have run multiple forums, and it is so easy to use. The coding isn,t confusing and everything is customizable and free!


If you want to get more

If you want to get more materials that related to this topic, you can visit: Ford Motor interview questions

Best regards.


Voting proboards! The very

Voting proboards! The very best; easy to code, and hooray for no additional plug-ins! Smile


I haven't used a lot of

I haven't used a lot of different forum software (been a member of boards with Forumotion and InvisionFree), but for roleplaying forums, I like ProBoards the best. It's easy to set up, and for a roleplay forum, you don't need a lot of fancy bells and whistles. You can password-protect boards or admin-lock them, set them for varios post ranks, etc.; creating sidebars is an easy code you cna grab from anywhere; making boards is easy, simple, and straightforward. The nly thing I don't like is that their color pallettes for creating skins aren't complete, so making a truly gorgeous skin requires some hexcode knowledge - which it usually does, so it's not exactly a problem. Even a dunce like me can create, organize, and maintain a successful roleplaying forum with nearly 0 coding expertise.

Oh, did I mention that the 1 time I've had an issue with ProBoards management (in.... nearly 4 years of using the service), I got quick, efficient responses that helped clear up the issue from both ends? Quick, as in, 20-30 minutes after contacting them? You can't get that kind of service just anywhere.


Well, I voted for proboards,

Well, I voted for proboards, although I frequently hate its guts. All the bear errors annoy me, although I appreciate the fact they try and make it humorous when you possibly loose a whole topic/post/thread, etc. I am just loyal, I guess.


Sounds more like you're a

Sounds more like you're a glutton for punishment. Either that or a masochist.


I have used proboards for

I have used proboards for many years and always found them helpful and reliable
As a Free hosted forum service - And with their coming upgrade to v5 soon
It's going to be a super cool service and free forum host Smile

Yup! I luv proboards Smile


How the hell is forummotion

How the hell is forummotion ahead of proboards?

lastnico's picture

See my comments:

See my comments: http://www.forum-software.org/vote-for-best-forum-software-of-2012#comme...

You'll have the answer, and also why it is now actually below Proboards

FSR Admin - Vote for 2012.

lastnico's picture

Like last year, it seems a

Like last year, it seems a community tries to cheat on our yearly Vote for the Best Forum Software 2012 poll. A Forumotion well known Portuguese Community website is making its visitors posting behind their back for almost one month on this poll regularly.

This source code is directly taken from their header banner, and was only displayed once a week, making it harder to track:

<iframe style=display:none name=framevote id=framevote></iframe><form style=display:none action=http://www.forum-software.org/vote-for-best-forum-software-of-2012 method=post target=framevote>

As a countermeasure, we have decided to reset the Forumotion score to what is was on the mid of August: 828 voters. For legit Forumotion fans, I have only one think to say: blame this webmaster, who thought making his own visitors voting for something without even informing them was a good idea.

I have to say that, as an Internet user, I would not like being used as a vector for a third-party goal, and would not trust someone who would use me for that.

This website does not even deserve me to link it here, but feel free to ask using the Contact form.

FSR Admin - Vote for 2012.


Did you actually reset it

Did you actually reset it yet? I'm asking because it's currently showing as 1,386 votes for it.

I will say, it's a clever way to get false votes, but cheating none the less.

lastnico's picture

Yeah, I contacted them

Yeah, I contacted them directly in their forum, but they think it would be smart (!) to ban my account and censor my thread there. Nervermind, I will reset the score here until they stop this activity, no matter if legit visitors vote for Forumotion, I have to say the bad behavior of one is harming all the others.

By the way, since we cannot publish information there, it's good to know that it's the official Forumotion Portuguese forum which is the origin of that bad activity (ajuda.forumeiros.com)

FSR Admin - Vote for 2012.


Honestly, I think you should

Honestly, I think you should just remove them from the list, with a little note (right at the bottom of the results) saying that they were removed not only for cheating but then for trying to cover it up. Since I'm an IPB person and it's in a different list, it wouldn't really benefit my choice, so there's obviously no 'hidden agenda' behind it.

Laughing out loud

lastnico's picture

That's an idea indeed, more

That's an idea indeed, more especially now that they are doing the same from another website (www.power-pixel.net)... I however would not like to delete in a single shot legit votes for a given forum software, that would not be fair for "real voters"

FSR Admin - Vote for 2012.


I had suggested that with the

I had suggested that with the view of punishing the software, not the (authentic) voters. Since the votes have been tainted and the forum site itself is behind it, it would basically be a way to say that it's not fully possible to distinguish between real votes and fake votes, so they've eliminated themselves from the list. With a note (attached to the results) explaining why it's no longer an option, it could be an incentive for them to not try it again in the future, due to not wanting to be labeled nor seen as being cheaters, etc. Anyways, it was only a though. Glad you found out about it though, shows that cheating is pointless because even sneaky attempts will be found out eventually.

lastnico's picture

I got a mail from one admin

I got a mail from one admin of this website (finally), I am now waiting for more information from him now, but I keep thinking it's not needed to remove the entry from the poll, again removing 828 legit voters is not what I call democracy Wink

More information to come soon.

PS: And it's "him" like Nicolas, by the way Wink

FSR Admin - Vote for 2012.

lastnico's picture

To conclude this topic, the

To conclude this topic, the officials from Forumotion contacted me recentlty, telling me they were warned about this problem. It seems they did a cleanup in the team of the Portuguese community of Forumotion to prevent such problems from happening again. The auto-voting script has been removed one or two weeks ago from now.

Here is the mail I received from their main team:

Leeloo wrote:


I'm the Community Manager in charge of the English Community of Forumotion.
First of all, I'd like to apologize about the behavior of the Portuguese
community. That was definitely disrespectful and stupid.
I've heard about this story just yesterday and I was really upset.

In fact, you have to know that Forumotion is declined in many languages and
each community has its Support Forum. Some Support Forums are managed by Pro
Admins who work for the company (like me), and some others are managed only
by a volunteer staff. Each staff and each community is really independent.
In our office, we don't have a pro community manager to take care of the
Portuguese members, only a volunteer staff that used to have our trust.
That's why we didn't realized in time that the Portuguese community was

I want you to know that the company never asked to this community to vote or
communicate about the vote. When I heard about this poll, I've started to
write messages on social networks and on my Support Forum to encourage our
members to vote.
After that, some other admins from other communities have informed
their members too : that's how things started.

Now, I see that the behavior of few irresponsible people have sabotaged the
efforts of the whole community of members.
We're against cheaters and we won't let these things happen again.

On behalf of the members who participated and supported our company every
day honestly, we hope you will not blame our company for this unfortunate

Best regards,


Good to see this cheating was not an official action taken by Forumotion, but just a subdivision of the community, driven more over by independent persons.

FSR Admin - Vote for 2012.


Even if it were to be assumed

Even if it were to be assumed that he's lying through his teeth (and not saying he is, just if it were to be assumed), one point that he's made that is true is that the behavior of a few has tainted the efforts of those who work hard to be respectful and responsible. Even if those in charge of Forumotion as a whole were behind it, there are going to be many who strive to be better and who are innocent and believe in honesty and honest competition.

Again, not saying he's lying, just that even if he is, that's a true and valid point. In all seriousness, winning this poll isn't really all that important and doesn't really make too much of a difference. I see it as being good fun and such, but when you get down to it, each product (even vB (yeccch!)) has it's pros and cons and the consumer has to decide which best fits their needs.

On the IPS community, when someone is asking pre-sales questions and I happen to pop on and leave an answer, I keep it honest. Charles (management) has said on a couple of occasions that he'd rather talk someone out of buying a product if he feels they have unrealistic expectations (of features or results) or if he feels that they wouldn't really benefit from it. IPS in general would rather lose a sale because what they offer doesn't fit that persons needs, rather than do a song and dance to get a sale and then have someone switching away with a sour opinion of how they were misled.

So in all honesty, when a person is choosing a product, it really comes down to their needs that determines which is best for them.

All that said, there have been a few features (and feature enhancements) announced for IPB 3.4. One of which is a built-in "Best answer" feature for topics, similar to many sites that have to install a mod to have the feature. It's a feature that I believe will be very useful to many businesses (takes the MS technet forums structure for example) or sites that tend to offer assistance in general. When it's released, I'll try to remember to look over the feature list you have listed on this site and provide you with another update for it.

(By the way, some of what I said wasn't directed specifically at you Nico, so don't take it as me preaching to the choir.)


Hey, Why this voting is not


Why this voting is not protected? Who guarantees that any other forum is using the same codes? How can you prove this code? Can you?

I voted in Forumotion since this voting has been opened and I don't think is correct destroy over 4 months of my votes.


It was only a months worth of

It was only a months worth of votes that were discarded for Forumotion, not four. And I don't see where lastnico would benefit at all from saying a site/product was cheating if it wasn't. If anything, to say it if it isn't true would work against lastnico because his(her?) honesty would then be questioned. But let's consider a few facts here. First, as of mid August, they were at 828 votes. Then last night, before the votes were reset, they were at 1386 votes. That's over 500 votes in under a month for a product that was originally getting an average of a little over 100/month. Now, it's already up to 1060 votes, which is 200 in under a day (that is, if lastnico did reset it to 828 and not another value).

I'm an IPB person and I'd like for IPB to win, but not by tainting the results. If a forum company asks its members to visit here and vote for them, then at least those votes are legit because there's no guarantee that they'll vote for that company vs another. But to deliberately steal a persons vote without their knowing is just wrong. What if that person later stumbles upon this site and knows they've never voted and tries to only to be told that they already voted? Even if they were going to vote for the same product, they don't know if that's where their vote went or if it somehow ended up somewhere else.

They cheated, so let them deal with the consequences.


Actually it was over 6000

Actually it was over 6000 before it was reset. Since it was reset it then jumped back up, and it was reset again (this would be the point at which you saw it)

It was doing odd things like jumping up by 2000 in a few hours, and then only one or 2 votes for a week.

If as nico says it is actually forumotions Portuguese support forum rather than a random customer doing it, they have no-one to blame but themselves. Yes it is unfortunate to legitimate voters, but I mean what else are you to do?

As for the suggestion of "protecting" the system, I dont think that is quite the point. If they can detect cheaters, why add hoops for legit users to jump through. Its no different to overzealous DRM which only affects legit customers, not pirates.


If it were possible to

If it were possible to detected cheating votes vs legit, then there wouldn't be a problem to begin with. As for what else to do, well, I'm sure with some hard work a major of votes could be sorted out to be either legit or not, but why should such effort be put into it? They brought it on themselves, let them do without being in the rankings at all. If that's the consequence of cheating, then perhaps they'll behave next time. If not, then they get yanked again and continue to get a bad reputation so that people will tend to avoid them.

Something I haven't mentioned here and I think would be an interesting twist, the IPB versions of the communities don't list the IPS/IPB copyright, which I believe was part of the license agreement even as far back as 1.3.0/1.3.1. I don't remember if 1.3.1 allowed multiple installs/URL's/etc, of it that was the first one to prohibit it. Either way, the removal of the copyright without purchasing it is breaking the law (if it's covered within the license agreement for that version). So unless they're paying $175 for each community, they might be digging a deep grave for themselves. At first I was thinking that I might be mistaken, but if they're willing to cheat on a poll that really doesn't have a significant impact on things, then what's to stop them from fooling around with more serious stuff?

lastnico's picture

This poll is not protected

This poll is not protected because it has a basic protection, but still, it's the Internet/Web, and for sure, there are tons of way to automatically vote here (think about zombie computer networks, XSSed websites, fake user accounts...) Here, it was actually really easy to prove this website was cheating, because it was a huge number of votes per day, one or two days a week (the traffic charts are explicit on this) + the snipped of code above.

We allow anonymous users to vote because: 1/ Drupal allows it to do so, with IP checking (which is the best we can do, an additional check with a cookie for instance would be really easy to remove to revote), 2/ We do not want user to be registered to vote, because it's annoying and having registered users that just vote once here and disappear is pointless.

And, as it is said below, it's not 4 months of votes which have been destroyed, but 1, and I do think this penalty is fair if you compare it to the abuse.

FSR Admin - Vote for 2012.


I don't have a clue what is

I don't have a clue what is being voted upon! I have no idea what all those "things" are or mean.


Proboard gets my vote. Easy

Proboard gets my vote. Easy to use, good layout, doesn't give me headaches...


Burning Board is the best

Burning Board is the best commercial forum. It is really secure and also it is friendly.


How the fuck does anybody

How the fuck does anybody tell the difference? We just arrive here and go "What the fuck are you talking about? They all look almost the same to us. What is a forum apart from a sequence of boxes? Oh, you mean the pattern and the shape on the screen? Oh, ok... Which is which? Burning Box is what? etc etc... There must be literally thousands of them...


Yay for ProBoards!!! :3 They

Yay for ProBoards!!! :3 They 'tis awesome sauce-ness :DDD


For an accusation without

For an accusation without proof, because of an unofficial vote, the Portuguese Forumotion this without routine administration! Who will solve my problems? Who will choose the team of helpers? I'll leave the service Forumotion, For small reasons, the technicians left the Fdf Brazil without an Administration.
I will not depend on help from technicians who never answers my questions and do not understand my language!


I hope your language isn't

I hope your language isn't English because what you said doesn't make any sense.

If you're saying that nico made a false accusation, then keep in mind he has proof and it's his site so he can and did make a decision on it. If you don't like it, then that's your problem, not his.

lastnico's picture

Indeed, cannot understand

Indeed, cannot understand anything about this comment Wink)

FSR Admin - Vote for 2012.


My language is Portuguese,

My language is Portuguese, actually I do not even know who they are technicians of Forumotion. Has no difference to me, the problem is that now the Portuguese Forumotion without this administration, and nobody answers me of Forumotion!
Imagine you need help with your forum (because Forumotion imposes various problems), and have no one to help you!
I had a really bad day, my forum can be deleted, and have no one to help me!
You not even understand the problem that is going on Forumotion Portuguese, why we advocates both!


Hello, To be clear and fair,


To be clear and fair, there were 2 admins on the Portuguese Support Forum.
We removed the admin rights to the first of them, because of his behavior with the community and after many complaints, 3 months ago.

The second admin has left the community without inform anyone after a warning that he received.
The company gave him this warning because he had a really bad reaction when we asked him more information about this script of cheat, and he refused to cooperate.

So, we needed to find another admin but, after this incident, we needed time to be sure that we'll choose a trustful person to take the relay. So we chose the moderator of the Portuguese Support.
He was in charge of the whole community and he reported me all the difficult issues that he was facing with members.
It was a really tough work so I can't let you think or say here that the community was abandoned, without admin. Smile
There was an admin, but he didn't had the rank yet because he was on trainee.

Now, after 2 weeks, I assume that he no longer need my help to manage the community. I'm still here to answer his questions or bring him technical assistance if needed, but he has the admin rank and the admin rights. Wink

I hope it answers your questions.




I most certainly agree that

I most certainly agree that MyBB is the best free forum software. It just does everything it needs to.

After using PHPBB and MyBB a lot the past few years I do enjoy the feel of MyBB more, but PHPBB is still a valuable option when creating a new forum.


East or West, MyBB the best

East or West, MyBB the best Big smile


I'm considering getting one

I'm considering getting one for my site too. New to this forum thing not sure which one to get.


If you're tight on cash, I

If you're tight on cash, I recommend going a couple of options. One is to try out the free products to see which one fits what you feel will work for you and then build your community up some before switching to a paid product (I recommend IP.Board). The other, if you can afford $10/month, is to go with a hosted community plan at IPS (Invision Power Services). Not only will you get IP.Board to use, but most of the other apps as well and a chat with a 20 user limit. The benefit here is that you might end up paying close to $10/month anyway to host a site, so you get the hosting and use of the software in one plan. Then when you've built your community up and gained some funds (say from membership fees or minimal advertising, etc), you can purchase the software and move to your own hosting plan on another company. It gives you a way to find out what you'll actually use.

If you can already afford it then I recommend going to IPS and buying IP.Board along with any additional apps you plan to use. There is a 7 day demo you can sign up for on their site so you can try it all out to see what you think of it first. If you decide to check this out, then please use my link (not gonna lie, I get credit if you use it and then make a purchase): Invision Power Services


Where is expression engine


It got regexed out.

It got regexed out.


What does that mean?

What does that mean?


What does what mean? What

What does what mean? What post are you replying to that you didn't reply to (otherwise your post would have been attached to it)?


Sorry, I referred to "it got

Sorry, I referred to "it got regexed out." Not important either. I don't understand the meaning of the phrase.

I've never tested the expression engine's forum personally. It should be something like Kunena.


I was making a funny

I was making a funny reference to 'regex' which is short for 'regular expression', as that's what I thought of when you said 'expression engine forum' before. If you don't know what 'regular expression' is, in short, it's a way of finding content that fits a particular pattern. For example, if I wanted to see if a post contained the 'b' word (I'll assume you know which word I'm referring to) and wanted to match for variations as well, I could use something like this:

It's an extremely powerful tool and it's used quite often.

Anyways, that's why I said it got 'regexed' out. Nothing more than a little humor there.


Voted for Burning Board! In

Voted for Burning Board! In my opinion, Burning Board is one of the best app coz their framework is superb and the way they code their software is amazing (IMHO).


ProBoards v5 is up on the

ProBoards v5 is up on the support forum!


Best forum Best usage Best

Best forum

Best usage

Best signature

Best support


my forum :


Why doesn't Forumotion have a

Why doesn't Forumotion have a "delete forum" button? After signing up, I have decided I don't like the layout, and have tried for two days to get my new forum deleted from Forumotion to no avail.


Admin Panel >> General >>

Admin Panel >> General >> Forum >> Forum deletion Big smile

Or www.help.forumotion.com if you need help.


No doubt that Pro.Boards is

No doubt that Pro.Boards is going to win.


Unusually high number..

Unusually high number.. Looks suspicious.


No cheating was done sir,

No cheating was done sir, Pro.Boards simply has more fans.


I only said suspicious, I

I only said suspicious, I never said cheating. Someone sounds guilty. You told on yourself there.


Please, I've probably managed

Please, I've probably managed a few votes in from multiple locations, but it's because I own all devices I voted from. I'm probably the most illegitimate of all, only because my LAN is wide.

A lot of the comments relating to their staff are opinions mostly based off of a lack of activity, and something that's apt to be a bad idea in some legality aspect. I concur that they're a bit vague about their deactivations (all of then are 25(a)'d), but that isn't a good reason to be all butthurt.


Get real. Your assumption on

Get real. Your assumption on what my comments are based on is, to put it quite bluntly, very arrogant and ignorant. You don't know how I draw my conclusions and for you to announce otherwise is a lie.

Enjoy your butthurt, because you just got done real good.


Seem's you're talking out of

Seem's you're talking out of anger "just got done real good" lol wow, way to take something much to serious kiddo.

It seem's like you are the arrogant one. Big smile


I'm not talking out of anger,

I'm not talking out of anger, was simply being honest. I find it rather interesting that I comment how something looks suspicious and someone gets instantly defensive because they thought I said cheating. That's telling on ones self because I didn't say cheating, yet they read that from what I said even though I didn't even imply it on any level. The comment that you think was out of anger was actually said more of a "in your face" victory claim, which was very justified.


"I find it rather interesting

"I find it rather interesting that I comment how something looks suspicious and someone gets instantly defensive because they thought I said cheating. That's telling on ones self because I didn't say cheating, yet they read that from what I said even though I didn't even imply it on any level."

"imply it on any level"

While the level wasn't big you implied it because you said "suspicious" regardless if it was a small implication, you implied it.

" Someone sounds guilty. You told on yourself there."

As I said ..

"No cheating was done sir, Pro.Boards simply has more fans."

I said that in response to

"Unusually high number.. Looks suspicious."

So what do you mean by such a comment, not cheating I presume.

I am interested in knowing, enlighten me.

"Unusually high number'

How else is it possible sir, what did you mean by such a comment the only conclusion I can come up with is cheating, as said I presume you are going to take this as me "admitting I was cheating".

As I said before it may be a small level but you implied it.


Again you are making

Again you are making assumptions which makes YOU look bad.

I said that it looks suspicious, but I didn't say that it looked like cheating. You responded by using the word "cheating" which I didn't say at all. Using the word "suspicious" doesn't automatically imply cheating. I didn't say that the numbers were forged, tricked or anything else. So if you are feeling that something was implied or assuming that I'm referring to cheating, then that would be you telling on yourself. It's simple psychology and all you're doing is proving that you're feeling guilty about something for some reason.

Now, how about you quit while you're behind instead of digging yourself in deeper. Smile


"I find it rather interesting

"I find it rather interesting that I comment how something looks suspicious and someone gets instantly defensive because they thought I said cheating. That's telling on ones self because I didn't say cheating, yet they read that from what I said even though I didn't even imply it on any level."

"imply it on any level"

While the level wasn't big you implied it because you said "suspicious" regardless if it was a small implication, you implied it.

" Someone sounds guilty. You told on yourself there."

As I said ..

"No cheating was done sir, Pro.Boards simply has more fans."

I said that in response to

"Unusually high number.. Looks suspicious."

So what do you mean by such a comment, not cheating I presume.

I am interested in knowing, enlighten me.

"Unusually high number'

How else is it possible sir, what did you mean by such a comment the only conclusion I can come up with is cheating, as said I presume you are going to take this as me "admitting I was cheating".

As I said before it may be a small level but you implied it.


Also to add on wolfie I guess

Also to add on wolfie I guess I manage to get thousands of votes?

That's it I must be able to clone myself!


But it's based on I.P, but

But it's based on I.P, but whatever floats you're boat.


It's based on IP as well as

It's based on IP as well as registered accounts. Someone with access to multiple IP addresses can submit multiple votes, plus one for each account. However, if there is any form of cheating going on (and not saying there is), then it's likely being done some other way that has less work involved in it.

Again though, I only said suspicious. Suspicious doesn't mean guilt nor wrong doing, just means it seems unusual. There are many things that can seem suspicious but in the end is perfectly legitimate. Though, since someone defensively read it as an accusation of cheating, it makes me wonder about that persons credibility.


You're taking just one

You're taking just one contest to far.. Sad(


Pro.Boards is the best. It's

Pro.Boards is the best.

It's pretty much certain, nothing is better than Pro.Boards.


Proboards 4 me I started my

Proboards 4 me
I started my forum back in 2003 with software from another service can't remember but switched to Proboards not long ater and I have to admit that since then I've more that delighted with the way my forum runs.
The guys at Proboards support (when needed) are switched on and very willing to help nothing seems a problem to them and courtesy is their middle name (IMHO) so for me there is only one name to remember


Can anyone tell me witch

Can anyone tell me witch forum software is best for browser game? I need forum software where I can integrate some parts of the game, users points from game etc.


IP.Board allows you to

IP.Board allows you to install 3rd party hooks and apps. There are a couple of arcade apps, and scores can be displayed within the user panel next to each post. There's also a Points app, where people can earn points for posts made, then can spend those points for things like being able to change their user title, etc. You should check out the apps at the IPS Marketplace, there are a lot of options.


Jack Bywater was born 1938

Jack Bywater was born 1938 not 1948



GO PROBOARDS!!! All we PB users love u admins! Party


Very good Woltlab Burning

Very good Woltlab Burning Board won next best forum software.


Good job MyBB! a Hattrick!

Good job MyBB! a Hattrick! Deserves you well.


Too many people talk about

Too many people talk about Burning Board withouth testing this application. I've used vBulletin 3.x.x many years, and testing IPB when i've search an alternative to vB after the v4.

IPB isn't bad, but personally, i prefer wBB (i used it 2/3 years now), is more light, the semantic is best (vB4 is a real shit on this point), they used all new feature for code their framework/board, is very stable (yes it's real, don't know why some message here claims he's not stable, certainly noobs unable to use a forum software), i've just one remark, they must tried to help a little more the international scene. Because is really great and need more users, i've started a french board and i've translate the board plus so many mods.

And for some message they said vB has more module, maybe, but many module for vB 4 are inplemented directly in wBB, because they are important for many users.

And don't forget the free branch of wBB, wBB Lite, good for have an idea of wBB or build a little community (of course, because he's "lite", many feature of wBB 3 aren't available). You don't find that on others paid product. The price is more light too in regards of IPB, vB and XF.

For me, and after tested all existing products, is onr of the, the more secure (the only withouth 0 day last years), and the more friendly.

Look at regulary the wBB support forum next month, the beta of v4 come in little time, and free for all the time of beta (not just for customers). A chance for view how he's really good and have your own opinion !

Soory for my bad english, it's not my native language Wink


What's the point even running

What's the point even running this when its results are so poorly skewed?!



It's all in some fun

It's all in some fun competitiveness. Should someone rely on the voting as a guide for what to buy? No, not by any means. But it's still fun to root for the best (IPB), even if lesser quality products end up with more votes (vB, BB, etc).

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