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Articles related to ProBoards.

Review, News, Live demonstration, Screenshots Gallery and Users Opinion about the ProBoards Software are available below.

ProBoards v5 on BetaZone and Support Forum

The ProBoards so expected version 5 official release is getting closer and closer. A big step in the release plan has indeed been reached by migrating the Support forum officially to v5, and with the opening of BetaZone gates.

BetaZone is indeed a specific and temporary place where ProBoards Forum Community Managers can start migrating their forums to version 5, and test the final result. We however do not know yet if this is just for a temporary testing or if these forums are migrated once forever. BetaZone requires an Access Key, most probably to gradually doing the migration of forums and allowing the ProBoards technical team to do the testing and the checking their new platform.

ProBoards version 5 is a massive rethinking of what a forum software should be in 2012 (well, 2013 too Wink, including tons of great features like:

  • Ultra fast Search feature, matching threads updated immediately on the current page
  • A entirely redesigned Administration Panel, including great ergonomic improvements like auto added entries
  • A great flexible and robust template engine allowing community managers to tune the appearance and the content of their forum
  • Support for Global Accounts, giving the possibility to have a single account on all ProBoards based forums
  • And much more improvements, that I let you discover through their Support forum...

ProBoards Review and Demo Released

ProBoards, the largest hosted forum provider, with about 22.9 million users is finally reviewed at FSR. We are going to decrypt and detail in the review the features that make this free hosting forum service so popular.

If you don't know this software, then, ProBoards Demo is a perfect place to play a bit with it before reading the ProBoards Review.

ProBoards Tutorials Screencasts

You know a good Tutorial Screencast of ProBoards?
Contact us at webmaster@forum-software.org and we will publish it here.

ProBoards User Reviews

Best Existing Forum Software
36% (241 votes)
Powerful and Smart
7% (45 votes)
Good for Everyday Tasks
4% (27 votes)
Interesting for Small Community
2% (13 votes)
Bad and Limited Features
7% (44 votes)
Unusable and Inefficient
45% (301 votes)
Total votes: 671

ProBoards Review

What is ProBoards?

ProBoards is the most used forum service, hosting over 3,000,000 internet forums, of about 22,800,000 users, for a total of 600 million pageviews per month! These data are already giving you some tips about the nature and the scalability of ProBoards. According to Wikipedia, ProBoards is hosted on 71 servers, to support the load that the traffic among forum.

The software behind is written in PERL, connected to a replicated MySQL database. All forum are hosted under a chosen subdomain of the *.proboards.com and they can be created and maintained for free, if you accept the display of some advertisements. For people interesting in removing these ads, prices start from $7 for 50,000 pageviews a month and go up to $140 for 1,000,000 pageviews. More details on the ProBoards pricing page. According to our previous experiences on Ad-free hosting services, ProBoards is among the cheapest service.

Now, let's see what you get for this.

Review Updates:

  • January 28, 2011: First Review.
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