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Articles related to IP.Board.

Review, News, Live demonstration, Screenshots Gallery and Users Opinion about the IP.Board Software are available below.

IP.Board Demo License Key Revoked

Two days ago, we received a mail from Lindy Throgmartin, CEO of IP.Board, asking us to remove the IP.Board demo, our license key being revoked.

Apparently, you cannot do whatever you want with their software, including letting unknown users accessing the Administration Panel. Indeed, he argues the demo was not updated for a long time (this is wrong, we updated it the 28th of April), and second, that our license key was stolen and used somewhere else.

First, Invision Power is regularly checking the matching between license keys and URLs (thank you for privacy), which makes it really easy to track bad usages of license keys and to disable a forum with a single click in their user management tool.

Second, a license key number is not what you paid for, you paid for a service, so this license key should be regenerated within a single click in case of theft, and the previous one should simply be revoked.

Anyway, fortunately, this was a demo forum, nothing critical, but I would not be happy if one day I would receive such an email as a big community administrator, telling me I have 24 hours to migrate my content, users and so on to a new forum software, just because Invision Power decided to make your life harder. Think about this twice before using proprietary software, as IP.Board.

For the time being though, no more IP.Board demo, but, fortunately, you still have many additional great software to test: XenForo, MyBB, vBulletin, SMF, phpBB,...

IP.Board 3.1.0 Beta 1 has been released

Some news from the IP.Board front: the future and really promising IP.Board 3.1 has well advanced, as, it has just reached the Beta 1 level. Most important new features have been implement, and it's now time to test and ensure that everything works fine and that no regressions have been added during modifications. Just for remembering, here are the expected new features embedded with IP.Board 3.1:

  • Twitter Integration
  • Improved Facebook Integration
  • Notification System
  • Skin Upgrader
  • Search Engine Overhaul
  • ... and many more!

We are quite sure that this is a very good step forward for IP.Board.

IP.Board Review and Live Demonstration Available

IP.Board has just been reviewed and you can consult the 4 pages of this article on IP.Board Review.

An updated version has been installed as well to let you test and discover this software via the IP.Board Live Demonstration.

One of the most famous commercial and powerful forum software has just been reviewed here: IP.Board. It finally completes the list of major softwares that were not available, and we are really proud to review the most advanced tools made by Invision Power.

Invision Power Services Screenshot

We would also like to thank the Invision Power team for providing a free license to Forum Software Reviews, in order to review the software.

IP.Board Review

IP.Board, also known as Invision Power Board, IPB or IP Board has been created in 2002, and was, at the beginning a free software. IP Board 1.3 was the latest free version of Invision Power Board, and it served as a base to create a new dedicated project called InvisionFree, that has strictly no affiliation with Invision Power company. In the mean time, IP.Board 2.0 was release in 2004, and the latest major version IP.Board 3.0 was officially announced in the middle of 2009. This 3.0 version was a good way to revamp the default theme and improve with actual technologies and trends the core system of IP.Board

IP.Board is mainly developed for MySQL and PHP 5.0, that is a solid base for implementing such kind of forum software.

Invision Power Services develops additional products that are totally compatible to IP.Board. IP.Board is actually a platform on which you can install additional products that Invision Power provides. The most known are IP.Blog - a blog system, IP.Gallery - a pictures and photos library, IP.Content - a CMS system, IP.Chat - a a web interface to discuss and IP.Downloads - a download manager.

If you do not want to install and upgrade your own Invision Power Board software, you can use the Hosted Communities service, that provides you a ready-to-use IP.Board. For classic usage, you have the following prices:

Standard $175 - renewal for 6 months $25.00
30 days free phone support, 2 business days ticket response, 5 day major version upgrade turnaround
Business $299.00 - renewal for 6 months $50.00
6 months toll free phone support, 1 business day ticket response, 3 day major version upgrade turnaround, 3 day minor version upgrade
Hosted Communities service
See Hosted Communities Services Prices available here.

Review Updates:

  • March 9, 2011: Update Hosting Plans according to IPS Post.
  • February 3, 2011: Features updates.
  • January 14, 2011: Update Hosting Plans.
  • April 12, 2010: First Review.

IP.Board Tutorials Screencasts

You know a good Tutorial Screencast of IP.Board?
Contact us at webmaster@forum-software.org and we will publish it here.
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