#1 PhpBB 3 #2 MyBB #3 Nabble #4 IPBoard
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes No Yes
No. No. No. No.
Flat Flat/Threaded Flat/Threaded Flat/Threaded
Yes Yes No Plugin
Plugin Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Plugin Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
GPL License GPL License Proprietary License Proprietary License
Yes Yes Yes Yes
User Reviews
8.4/10 (832 votes)
21 User Reviews
9.2/10 (1992 votes)
96 User Reviews
8.6/10 (50 votes)
3 User Reviews
7.4/10 (367 votes)
31 User Reviews

Community's choice
Free Forum

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  • Unable to create scaled Tiny image.
  • Unable to create scaled Thumbnail image.
  • Unable to create scaled Thumbnail image.

XenForo vs vBulletin: The Movie

A funny (who said "realistic") animation about the current fight and lawsuit between the vBulletin company, Internet Brands and XenForo developers.

In case you are not aware, XenForo was founded by former vBulletin employees, in order to create an entire new product based on their previous experience. Unfortunately, vBulletin is not very pleased about this new competitor reaching the field, and they sued their former employees, Kier Darby, Mike Sullivan and Ashley, claiming that XenForo may violate vBulletin's copyright and indirectly hurt its market share indecently.

By the way, if you are interested in this story, this video is more instructive...

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Drupal Tip #11: Friendly URLs in your forum with Pathauto

Friendly URLs are mandatory if you want to improve the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your forum. It is indeed really useful because, instead of having URLs that look like forum/tid/405 or node/1234, you will have textual URLs that have a link with the topic of the page, like /discussion/increase-the-traffic-your-online-community/possible-way-increase-traffic.

It is therefore better for users browsing your website, and as well when users look for an answer to their questions into Google, Bing and so on.

Friendly URLs using Pathauto
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Drupal Tip #10: Beautiful User Profile in Topics

A new article to celebrate Drupal 7 release!

As you probably read it in the previous article (I hope you did it!), you are now able to have beautiful forum topics, but they are still missing an important thing: the profile of the user who sent the message. Here is how to do it.

Great Drupal User Profile
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Vanilla Forums 2.0.16 reviewed

After FluxBB, it's time for Vanilla Forums to be updated again. It was highly time to do it, as Vanilla Live Demonstration has been migrated from Vanilla 1 to Vanilla 2.

We were really impressed by the changes that have been done in Vanilla 2, and just to tease a bit, Vanilla score has been increased from 7/10 to 9/10. Check out the Vanilla Forums Review to discover why!

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FluxBB 1.4.2 reviewed

Just a small news to inform that FluxBB review has been updated and now describes version 1.4.2. We also took some times to refresh FluxBB live demonstration, as well as its screenshots (taken at a moment where PunBB and FluxBB shared the same theme). As the default theme is now different, and you will discover this on the FluxBB Screenshots Gallery.

You will notice that interesting new features, that were not enabled in the previous review, like guest posting, image in posts, database pruning, existing plugins, moderation settings, possible forum migration, and so on are now updated accordingly, which makes FluxBB easily competes with other forum softwares.

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