#1 PhpBB 3 #2 MyBB #3 Nabble #4 IPBoard
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes No Yes
No. No. No. No.
Flat Flat/Threaded Flat/Threaded Flat/Threaded
Yes Yes No Plugin
Plugin Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Plugin Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
GPL License GPL License Proprietary License Proprietary License
Yes Yes Yes Yes
User Reviews
8.4/10 (832 votes)
21 User Reviews
9.2/10 (1992 votes)
96 User Reviews
8.6/10 (50 votes)
3 User Reviews
7.4/10 (367 votes)
31 User Reviews

Community's choice
Free Forum

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  • Unable to create scaled Thumbnail image.
  • Unable to create scaled Thumbnail image.
  • Unable to create scaled Tiny image.
  • Unable to create scaled Thumbnail image.

XenForo Review and Demo Available

XenForo has just been reviewed, and this test is available at XenForo Review.

Additionally, we have also installed it on our sandbox environment to let you test and discover this software via the XenForo Live Demonstration.

XenForo, the forum that created the most buzz last year has finally announced its final version one week ago. It is a good opportunity to see what former vBulletin developers were able to succeed with XenForo.

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WowBB Activity Transfered to UltraBB

WowBB, a commercial forum software that had no activity since 2006, and really well known for its major security holes, has been acquired by UltraBB. UltraBB, also known as WowUltra, shares the same source base as WowBB, minus the security leaks.

The plan for WowBB lease users is quite simple: they are going to be migrated for free to the latest version of UltraBB 1.17. This is a good news for them, as the migration will be done by UltraBB team and the company behind Data 1 Systems, INC..

We do hope this is going to be the renewal of UltraBB and a good way to definitely forget about WowBB.

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Announcing New Forum Badges

After several weeks of development, I am really proud to announce the release of new Forum Badges! If you ever noticed the small Forum Badges link on the footer, you already know what forum badges are. Unfortunately, as you probably note, they were developed a long time ago, and were quite limited.

So, I decided to revamp them in order to provide new badges that would match user requests. You now have choice between Animation in GIF and Static PNG, each of them in different models and sizes. By the way, I also provide HTML and BBCode snippets in order to make the integration on your website easy.

Here are some new shiny examples:

Simple Machines Review

Simple Machines 2 Review

Burning Board Review (large)

Woltlab Burning Board Review (large)

ProBoards Rank

ProBoards Rank

Best Forums of 2010

Best Forums of 2010
Want to see more? That's here: Forum Badges!
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PhpBB 4 will rely on Symfony 2 Framework

According to one of the phpBB 4 RFC, its recent acceptance and Nils Adermann recent statement (fr) during the Symfony Live event, it is more and more expected that phpBB 4 will be developed on top of Symfony 2. phpBB development team finally decided that it's time for their next major release to delegate technical things to a modern framework instead of keeping their own backend of the forum. By the way, this is going to take a lot of time, but if you looked into the past, phpBB got only 3 major releases in 10 years, so we should therefore expect phpBB 4 for 2014 Wink

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Security Update for MyBB

MyBB 1.6.2 and 1.4.15 have been released several hours ago in order to fix two security vulnerabilities and a low risk issue.

A patch mybb_1601_patches.txt and a ZIP of changes changed_files_1601.zip have been released in order to patch your current MyBB 1.6.1 version. The same procedure is also available for MyBB 1.4.14, but it is recommended to reinstall MyBB 1.4.15 from scratch if unsure.

More information at MyBB Blog News.

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