#1 PhpBB 3 #2 MyBB #3 Nabble #4 IPBoard
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes No Yes
No. No. No. No.
Flat Flat/Threaded Flat/Threaded Flat/Threaded
Yes Yes No Plugin
Plugin Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Plugin Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
GPL License GPL License Proprietary License Proprietary License
Yes Yes Yes Yes
User Reviews
8.4/10 (832 votes)
21 User Reviews
9.2/10 (1992 votes)
96 User Reviews
8.6/10 (50 votes)
3 User Reviews
7.4/10 (367 votes)
31 User Reviews

Community's choice
Free Forum

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Accessibility Level Testing

The accessibility level of each demonstrations can now be tested directly from Tawdis.net. Tawdis.net helps web developers to find and fix accessibility errors of their content, by displaying important rules directly in the desired HTML page.

To test if a forum software matches the accessibility level you need, simply go to the last page of the Review Article of the software, and click on the following image Accessibility.

For more information about accessibility of your web site, do not hesitate to consult W3C Accessibility Guidelines or the W3C Accessibility Initiative. Firefox users can also download the indispensable Web Developer Toolbar.

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Beehive Forum test available

Beehive Forum 0.6.3 test and demonstration are now available on Forum-Software.org.

You can consult them here :

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Forum-Software.org is online !

I am very pleased to announce the released of Forum-Software.org web site.

I hope it will be useful for you and your community and will fulfill what it is made for : help you to find the best forum tool for your community.

Do not hesitate to report problem or ideas to webmaster@forum-software.org

Nicolas Ternisien.
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Phorum 5.1.13 released

The next version of Phorum has been released. This new version fixes some bugs and security problems.

Please download the archive here :

or directly from Phorum website.

Good update !

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Simple Machines 1.0.7 vulnerability

Simple Machines Forum has released a new version of its software. This version is the 1.1 RC2 and can be downloaded here :

Download new version

You can also update your forum software directly from your Administration pages.

This version is a security update, and has been released with a 1.0.7 patch for older versions.

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