The Benefits of using Drupal CMS

There are multiple advantages to using Drupal CMS over the competition.

Content management systems are utilised by businesses to provide an easier and more efficient workflow, greater functionality and increasing levels of interactivity. Presently, multiple content management systems abound on
the market – these include Joomla, WordPress and several others. The benefits of using the aforementioned content management systems (CMS) vary dramatically, based on the requirements at hand. Businesses, small or large, can do themselves a tremendous disservice by focusing their efforts exclusively on one content management system while neglecting the possibilities inherent in switching to another one. Of particular interest to companies in recent times is the Drupal CMS option. As the latest wunderkind in the CMS arena, Drupal beats the competition hands down. It provides a
wonderfully engaging and efficient means of managing content, with easy maintenance, and highly effective business tools.

What is Drupal and how does it work as a CMS?

Drupal is a content management system. It is an open source program – meaning that it is freely available to companies wanting to use it. Its strength lies not only in the fact that it's freely available, but that it offers a high degree of flexibility in terms of sharing, distributing and modifying all manner of content. Businesses will find it to be a highly functional tool for data, text and video content. Tech aficionados have labeled Drupal as a SaaS solution – ideal for enterprises of any size. Drupal software was recently voted as the InfoWorld 2011 top selection. No CMS system functions with optimal
precision, efficiency or effectiveness. However, Drupal comes a lot closer than others on all fronts. It is comprised of a dynamic community-style platform, which allows for constant enhancements, improvements and modifications to the open source material for the betterment of users everywhere. It is estimated that Drupal software is being updated around the clock – much like Wikipedia, Moodle and related freeware. The focus with regards to Drupal is on its functionality, not on the manner in which it is marketed to the public.

Top Reasons to Consider Drupal as your CMS

  • Drupal Offers you Enhanced Flexibility, Design and Custom Readiness: Many web-based CMS systems don't allow for many
    modifications to be made to the general framework. Drupal is 100% interactive, user-friendly and community-driven. This means that you can tailor the system to your expectations. The restrictive frameworks inherent in CMS systems like Joomla and WordPress are absent with Drupal.
  • Drupal Features Terrific Support Functionality: Many content management systems do not function as stand-alone operations. There are third-party apps that need to be managed and implemented as well. High-tech industries today make extensive use of APIs – which programs use to communicate with one another. Examples of such API programs include: Facebook Drupal API, Twitter Drupal API, Google Apps triple API, YouTube Drupal API, Google Analytics Drupal API and so forth. With scores of modules available, it is entirely possible to create custom made modules according to specifications.
  • Drupal is used by Premium Clients Worldwide: When considering the credibility and functionality of a CMS program, it's imperative to consider who is already using the system. Drupal is used by FedEx, Wake Forest University, the White House, The Onion and, among others. Many companies are jumping on the Drupal bandwagon to switch their content management systems to a more efficient, user-friendly platform.
  • Drupal is 100% Free to Users: Companies budgets are limited by fixed costs, variable costs, marketing and production costs. Fortunately, Drupal is a resource which is 100% free to implement. There are no monthly, quarterly, or annual fees needing to be paid. This dramatically cuts down on the otherwise expensive software design and content management costs. There are no hidden fees for users to worry about and this can save tens of thousands of dollars in the long-term.
  • Drupal Is Terrific for Search Engine Purposes: The value of search engine optimization cannot be understated. Fortunately, Drupal comes pre-packaged as a SEO friendly community platform. Drupal features multiple SEO modules, including: node words for adding meta tags, page titles for enhancing HTML headers, related content, means of generating URLs for notes and taxonomies, sitemaps and redirects.
  • Drupal Supports the Mobile Evolution in Web Development: The rapid technological advancements in the mobile Internet arena are unprecedented. Drupal is able to engage users on their Android smartphones, Android tablets, iPhones, iPads and other mobile devices. The creative design and tech specifications allow it to feature optimally on iPads too. It’s possible to generate lots of leads with Drupal, without the costs of purchasing additional mobile service providers.

In addition to the aforementioned benefits, Drupal features prominently among small and large companies because it’s a powerful, low-cost, high-value solution to managing content. The absence of licence fees and vendor lock-in agreements is enticing to companies. Thousands of developers the world over form part and parcel of the Drupal community, meaning that there are always capable technical minds at the ready to assist with Drupal upgrades and enhancements. Users can enjoy optimal performance CMS, with built-in caching mechanisms, a high degree of integration with third party caching mechanisms and scalability to any size.

Note: This is a sponsored article.

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