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Announcing Best Forum Software of 2012

After an huge battle among all competitors all over the year 2012, we are proud to announce the final results of our yearly competition to promote the Best Forum Software, in the 3 following categories: Free, Commercial and Hosted.

With 190 comments posted and about 22.400 voters (50% more than last year), the least we can say is that the competition was this year again very popular... To finally end to an interesting result: all the best forum software of 2011 were reelected this year again!

It's now time to officially announce the results:

Best Free Forum Software: MyBB

MyBB tripled it! After earning the best free forum software category of 2010 and 2011, it was preferred against other forums by 3.585 readers, almost doubling the score of the second challenger phpBB.

Again, MyBB can thank its enthusiastic and dynamic community. MyBB 2.0 is still in development and we expect some big announcements for 2013.

Best Hosted Forum Service: ProBoards

With an amazing score of 10.742 votes, ProBoards wins for the second time the Best Hosted Forum Software Award of 2012.

With ProBoards version 5 official release getting closer and closer, providing tons of great and unique features making ProBoards the most advanced hosted forum service on the market, we do certainly understand why it got so many votes.

Best Commercial Forum Software: Burning Board

For the second time, Burning Board wins the Best Commercial Forum Software award, more over against big competitors like XenForo, vBulletin and IP.Board. Even if this is not the most known and used commercial forum software, its features, its development framework and unique style give a fresh view from Europe of what a forum software could be.

You can also consult the dedicated Best Forum Software of 2012 page for more details.

... And 2013 has just started!

So, start immediately voting for your favorite software on the new dedicated page for electing the Best Forum Software of 2013!

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Comments (4)

Congratulations Burning Board

Congratulations Burning Board and MyBB!

I might give Burning Board a change, since vBulletin went downhill (v4 was bad and v5 is even worse). Especially with Burning Board v4 which is currently in development.

Still a proud user of MyBB. Smile


You are absolutely right that

You are absolutely right that these forum boards are helps to solves some critical problems with the helps of discussions with experts. Thanks for posting regarding that. Please keep posting. Mobile Field Services

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Burning Board 4 seems to be a

Burning Board 4 seems to be a really good and fresh-looking piece of forum software...
Anyway, I'm sticking to FUDforum, the best I have found so far... Smile

begonia's picture

my burinig board seems to be

my burinig board seems to be good... this is a really good one...

thank for posting this post, I am new to this forum, this is the first post i read it is impressed me.


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